Order of St Philip


The Order of St Philip, a new dispersed religious community of evangelists, (think of the Franciscans or the Jesuits but the members are all evangelists) was incorporated in 2020 and is registered with the ACNC as a national religious charity. 

There is strong interest in The Order. A team of seasoned Australian Church Army Officers is working with me to design how The Order will operate. It has very similar objectives to Church Army and its unifying feature is primarily a Rule of Life; which is similar to a Code of Conduct but it is values-based and supports self-discipline that leads to effectiveness and longevity. Once resources are identified to develop a smartphone app, self-reporting against the Rule of Life will commence (a key activity that demonstrates membership of The Order)  

Disciples are loved by God and they love God, love others and make disciples.
Evangelists announce the Gospel, equip the Body of Christ and disciple evangelists.