Global Evangelists

I locate, validate and activate

gifted evangelists

in their vocational contexts

Conrad Parsons - Founder - Global Evangelists

Strategic priorities:

  • Identify evangelists
  • Validate evangelists
  • Equip evangelists
  • Coach evangelists
  • Deploy evangelists (advocacy and context opportunities)
  • Connect evangelists (with each other and ministry opportunities)
  • Model integrated local and vocational contextualised evangelism

Key Activities:

  • Develop processes for identifying and engaging relationally with evangelists
  • Establish and facilitate a global Order for contextualised evangelists
  • Recruit, train and deploy coaches for evangelists
  • Establish organisational partnerships to provide for the facilitation of the ministry

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Disciples are loved by God and they love God, love others and make disciples.
Evangelists announce the Gospel, equip the Body of Christ and disciple evangelists.